Hard-hitting Australians Thy Art Is Murder brought their Decade Of Hate tour to Wooly's in Des Moines, Iowa, on February 16th. For 13 songs, the band pounded faces in with their signature Death Metal sound. Vocalist CJ McMahon sounded on point all night with his bone-crushing screams coursing through the soldout crowd. Starting their set off with fan favorite Reign Of Darkness proved to be useful as crowd surfers seemed to start tumbling over the barricade almost as soon as drummer Jesse Beahler began blasting away with his bass drum. Guitarists Andy Marsh and Sean Delander kept the energy going with vicious chugs and soaring melodies through the next couple of songs, The Purest Strain of Hate and Vile Creations. The set went as great as possible, with the 600-person audience banging their heads to the rhythm of Kevin Butler's bass. Eventually, all great things must come to an end, or so the crowd thought as the band walked off after the conclusion of Dommed From Birth. But, it turns out that wasn't the end, as Mcmahon and company truly finished the night strong with an encore of the band's three most popular songs, Death Squad Anthem, Holy War, and Puppet Master. It seems like just yesterday that Thy Art Is Murder played their first show in the US, and it's just as fast as tomorrow that you can see them in a city near you! Be sure to follow the band as they continue playing In the US through the 11th of March before heading overseas to play with Fit For An Autopsy.
More photos from the night can be found here!